Disciplinary Action Rate

by Robin McGee -

EMS #1 is Disciplinary Action Rate.  Does this mean it was found to be of first-order importance, or was it just first in terms of alphabetical order?  The description of the success measure says that *frequency* of disciplinary action is a strong indicator of academic success -- do they mean school wide or per student?  Either way, this supports the idea of some sort of POSITIVE behavioral system (like a beefed up or consistently implemented PBIS) being put into action.  Right now, we don't have this on a consistent basis at our site, and it's frustrating.  Plus, there is inconsistency with the application of punitive disciplinary actions as well -- also frustrating.

11 success measures

by Jasmine Sharp -

Success measure # 6 is about teacher attendance. I really think that the district needs to work on that issue. It would be fantastic if they brought back an attendance incentive to reduce the cost of subs and also so that the teachers that are here don't have to give up their planning time. What an improvement in morale that could be.

Student Attendance

by Katrina Herrera -

I think the eleven Education Success Measures discussed in this chapter do provide very important and valuable information about the quality of education students are receiving and most of the also impact the amount of money spent.  However, I disagree with the authors when they said, "this filter eliminated many 'nice-to-know' variables, such as student attendance.  I do not believe student attendance is just a nice-to-know variable, I feel it is also a very important and valuable measure because without good student attendance, students will not learn the information they need to and the school could loose money due to poor attendance and enrollment.  Therefore I believe this should have been a variable that was considered in this study.  My hypothesis would be that the increase in one-to-one computing may increase student attendance because students will be more engaged in their learning and therefore want to be in school more.

student work

by Deleted user -

I would love to have a way to make materials on my teacher laptop and then send it out to the students to have them do it on their laptops. If anyone knows how to do something like this please let me know. I think there is so much we can do with the laptops if we have someone give us the tools. I know that my kids have really taking to writing now that they are able to use the laptops.

What a waste of TIME!

by Jeanet Card -

Since my school has no adoption textbook for students to use, I find my self wasting precious time making copies or trying to improvise my lesson because the copiers are broken instead of exploring lesson ideas.  I have adopted unit packets which have helped me reduce the amount of times I'm at the copier.  A one time stop at the copier per unit is all I need. Can't wait till I can transfer my unit into moodle!!

Convenience vs teachers

by Deleted user -
I prefer ecopies of all reading materials, but sometimes worry that there is a perception that the computer is doing more than serving as a tool that provides access. I think sometimes people outside the classroom believe that the teacher is nothing more than a lab manager. I think sometimes they lose sight of the art and science of teaching, as it impacts learning.

It's time to stop cutting down so many trees!

by Michelle Pompa -

We need this change. Our school spends too much money on paper and toner. Teachers spend too much time making copies. Plus students are motivated to learn when they are on a laptop or computer. I say we change education to a new generation appoach -technology, and spend the money on PD and educational software that will make the second-order change.

5th grade laptops

by Kristi Hamblen -

Our 5th grade team is enjoying the challenge of one-to-one computing. Our students are very motivated to learn new concepts and and technology skills.

How does this study shape our thinking?

by Mary Morris -

How does this study shape our thinking?  Have the findings been validated by more independently-funded researchers?  The sponsors of this study are technology heavy-hitters, and the results are based on self-reporting from technology-rich schools who may well be predisposed to support their decisions.  Are we in the same situation?

computer lab

by Jessica Ross -

I'd love to see a computer lab in our school along with an instructor. This would aide their prior knowledge and  build a foundation  for the future. By the time they get to the uppergrades and recieve laptops, they already have basic skills. smile