Navigating Your Start Page (Center Icons)
Completion requirements
This lesson will introduce the icons in the center of the screen
- Daily Attendance (Chair icon)
- Multi-Day Attendance grid (grid icon
- Seating Chart (chair and grid icon)
- Lunch Counts (not used in SUSD)
- Student Info (back pack icon)
- Reports (printer icon)
2. Start Page - Center Icons - Attendance Chair
Start Page - Center Icons - Attendance Chair
It’s easy to take attendance in PowerTeacher. As soon as teachers take attendance, student attendance information becomes available to school administrators, parents, and students.
1. Navigate to Start Page > Chair icon (next to the class for which you want to take attendance)
2. Select the Date
3. Select the Current attendance code
4. Click the cell next to a student’s name to assign that code
5. Click Submit
*Note: Even if all students are present, teachers should click the Chair icon to open the attendance screen, and then click Submit.