Section outline

  •      We all know that technology is changing the educational landscape and classroom instruction.  The educational writer Donald Clark has contended that pedegogy has changed more in the past 10 years than it has in the past 1000 years, largely due to changes in technology.

           But what is it that teachers REALLY need to know in order to get started?   This course is designed to get you thinking about some of the most essential questions you will need to consider in order to manage, instruct and plan within a 1:1 student laptop environment.

    1. How is a 1:1 classroom different from a traditional classroom?

    2. What management strategies and tools are most effective in a 1:1 classroom?

    3.  How can you improve the level of technology integration in your student classrooms?

    4.  What FREE resources are available to teachers to help them with technology integration?

    • Consider how much the world has changed in just the last ten years.  Now think about how much it will likely change in the NEXT ten years.  As teachers, we need to ask ourselves everyday if we're teaching students to their future or to our past.

  • "If the best use of technology at our disposal we can imagine is the evolutionary filmstrip or the evolutionary Scantron, our failure with be epic and tragic."   Chris Lehmann

    The "information revolution" holds the potential to transform learning, but only if we embrace the possibilities that are now within our reach.  Dr. Ruben Puentadura's SAMR Model for Technology Integration provides teachers with a way to critically assess and evaluate digital learning tools as they relate to student learning.


    • Using the tool, let's learn more about the SAMR Model and share our opinions.

    • The SAMR Model in Action

      The following video clip shows THREE different 1:1 classrooms.  As you observe each class, consider how the students' activities, teacher expectations and digital tools fit into what we've seen with the SAMR Model.  

    • Some things to consider when viewing the videos:

      • WHAT technology is being used?
      • HOW is the technology being used?
      • WHICH level of the SAMR model would each activity fall into?
      • WHAT modifications to the lesson might be made to improve student engagement?

      Share your thoughts in the following group chat activity.

  • "Don't be worried about making dramatic changes too quickly.  Even incremental change can result in significant improvements in teaching and learning."   Robert Marzano

    We all know that successful teaching in a 1:1 classroom is more than just guiding kids to a website.  But what is good technology integration?  Where does a teacher get started? How do you add tech integration to a lesson plan?

    This is where the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) can help.  The TIM is a tool designed to help you understand the different LEVELS of technology integration and how to move both teachers and students forward.

    Click here to explore the Technology Integration Matrix.

    Click here to print a hard copy of the Technology Integration Matrix.