Agree or Disagree with Claim?

Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Test User -
Number of replies: 41

Why do you agree or disagree with Andrew A. Rooney's claim in the article, "America the Not-So-Beautiful?"

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

 I agree becausethere is too much trash and they are filling up land,Mistreating America so it won't be beautiful. There is pollution and diseases.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by America Flores -

i agree because we as humans are mistreating america and it is beautiful but it wont be for long if we keep mistreating

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Angel Eduardo Cota -

I agree because we the Americans are destroying our country with trash everey where and having know where to  put it. And having polution and having dieseases.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because there is too much trash in america and we are mistreating america so it wont be beautiful 

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because America is so full of trash, people are so nasty that they throw their trash anywhere and don't even care.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because this claim is about that people are trowing trash for nothing.

And that they are treating the earth bad by trowing trash and keeping trash. 

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by David Otero -

I am Agree  because people are mistreating america so it wont be beautiful   

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Ilyssa Giron -

I agree because  people are throwing trash into the streets instead of the trash can.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Matthew Dorame -

i agreee Mistreating America so it wont be beautifal trash is destroying land to much trash is causing pollution problomes and diseases 

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Jennifer Brown Villa -

I agree with the claim because Andrew A. Rooney's  is trying to say that there too much trash and there filling up the land with pollution and some people are mistreating america so it wont be so beautiful anymore.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Yuliana Babuca -

I agree with Andrew's claim because America is turning trashy. In the parts where I live I don't see a lot of trash but at parks and sometimes roads I see trash just thrown on the floor. The trash I mostly find is bottles or wrappers. There is pollution in this land because of all the trash getting thrown to the ground or into the sea and harming other creatures. The trash that were creating and throwing away is ending up in other homes of animals which makes it harmful for them to live. We're also getting rid of a lot of some of the animals food by cutting it down and using it to build other things. All the trash is going to end up in the streets or near our homes and we don't know where that trash has been and if we touch it we could get diseases or easily sick. I don't really see a lot of people picking up trash but creating more trash by just throwing it on the ground and not disposing of it responsibility or the right way, which needs to get done more so we can keep America beautiful.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because people do not know what they are throwing and people are just throwing there trash in the floor because they are too busy or too laity  to throw it in the trash or recycle bin. The trash is killing a lot of plants and its also making diseases.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Rachel Alvarez -

Andrew A Rooney is claiming that the trash wasted is pilling up with gargabe. I agree with him because while its pilling up it is making America become a landfill by creating pollution & diseases.

In reply to Rachel Alvarez

Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Andrea Tona -

i agree because america is becoming full of trash and it is making our country look really bad.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because there is lots of trash and in the picture i already ;think thats alot and thats not ever 1% of the trash

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

agree because we are treating america like trash and we are filling landfills


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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because America does have a lot of trash and people don't depose of it properly 

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

 I agree with the author because we the Americans are destroying our country with trash every where and having  where to  put it and having polution and diseases.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Yaxiri Ortiz Medrano -

I agree with this claim because the author included many statistics proving his point, which makes the reader believe him.  I also agree with the claim because like him I know that America is  a huge trash country  and if we keep acting like we do we will ruin the whole Earth.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

i Agree because america does have a lot of trash and people never put there trash were it belongs .

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree with the claim because there is to much waste that is eventually going to hurt the Earth.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because America is full of trash because they throw trash and put into the ground

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Dartanyn Valdivia -

I agree with the claim because the text provides facts that are real and the text provides me with statisitcs that can be proven Chemicals do hurt the earth ,the trash is harmful to living organisms and  there is no longer and away for us to through trash to because "away" is full.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Hadjy Velasquez Rodriguez -

I  agree with Andrew A. Rooney's claim in the article, "America the Not-So-Beautiful" becuase in the text Andrew explains that in New York, People throw out 9 times their weight, He also says that the more civilized a country is the more trash there will be. and Since America is civilized then his statement makes sense

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Vanessa Silva -

I agree with the author and his claim about how man has spilled so much waste and poison into mother earth (earth) and that at the rate that we are going with our waste, it wouldn't be long before we have to go to another planet. Possibly to destroy the next planet. 

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Deleted user -

I agree because he  provides facts about trash being littered everywhere. Also, if you go to a park or a public place there is usually trash thrown on the ground.  

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Paris Beniquez Mercado -

I agree with the author because America is filled with piles of trash on every street that you turn. The dumps are now overfilling and turned into landfills. The world that we are living in is turning into a dump before we know it.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Paris Beniquez Mercado -

I agree with the author because America is filled with piles of trash on every street that you turn. The dumps are now overfilling and turned into landfills. The world that we are living in is turning into a dump before we know it.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Ike Rodriguez -

I agree with the Claim because there is lots of trash that humans produce and humans don't always properly dispose of trash correctly.  Like America has lots of trash and other poor countries have little trash because they have nothing.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Danitza Celaya -

I agree with the claim because people leave trash on the floor and the article says littering can kill living things, animals and living people

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Adilene Escalante Duran -

I agree because the author has said many important inforation that make the readers believe it. America is also very messy and people are wasting garbage, which hurts the economy.

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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Axeel Melendez -

I agree because we throw a lot of trash where it doesn't belong and it is becoming  a wasteland.


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Re: Agree or Disagree with Claim?

by Destiny Othon -

I agree with him because Americans are damaging the world by throwing out chemicals and poison. There is also a lot of trash that is making America look bad and unhealthy.