Text written in 1989

Text written in 1989

by Test User -
Number of replies: 31

Although the text was written in 1989, how does it relate to modern times?

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

they had cars and a society plus they had towns and there were some richmen called rudy thats what my dad tells me

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Yuliana Babuca -

Although the author wrote this in 1989 it relates to modern times because we still have trash problems. There is still pollution and landfills getting filled up. We still don't take care of the community as much as we should, because I still see trash all over the place. 

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Rachel Alvarez -

It's still relate in modern times because some people are still destroying are society by throwing trash away in our streets or homes which mean we can still make America become a landfill, which creates for us pollution & diseases.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

It is required because there is new things that were not in 1989. It also relates to 1989 because earth is still dirty and people are still throwing things away in the ground.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Andrea Tona -

even though the author wrote this in 1989 it relates to now because we still have problems with trash


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Re: Text written in 1989

by Keren Villegas -

It relates to modern times because , there is still alot things that still happen today like they destroy our society.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by America Flores -

it related to modern times because humans all over the world still dont like to take car of the world and miss treat it in many diffrent ways

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Yaxiri Ortiz Medrano -

Although the text was  written before I was born, it relates to modern times because we still are throwing trash everywhere and filling up landfills.  We still continue to be very wastefull and throw away anything taht get's in our way.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Samantha Romero Guerrero -

Even though it was written in 1989 there are lots of trash and because since we are improving the technology and supplies we gain the repution of having the most of trash.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Julian Olivares -

This is still the same because if we have a large amount of trash then we would take it to the dump and drop it in the landfill as if they would do it back then and now we still do it.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

Although the author wrote this in 1989 it relates to modern times because we still have trash problems. There is still pollution and landfills getting filled up. We still don't take care of the community as much as we should, because I still see trash all over the place

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

this relates to today because we still don't depose of trash properly and we can kill living animals

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Destiny Othon -

It still relates to today because people still litter and there's more trash than recycle. 

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Danitza Celaya -

the text relates to today because we have more trash to recycle and landfills are still needed and people still litter more than ever

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Vanessa Silva -

The text from 1989 is still related to modern times because there is still trash everywhere. People continue to litter. There's more trash than what is being recycled. Landfills are continuing to fill up, making us need more landfills. As the population continues to increase rapidly, it means that there is more trash. Problems are still current. There still are problems concerning chemicals and poison being throw into the Earth. 

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Paris Beniquez Mercado -

It relates to today because even 26 years later people still litter and trash more then we recycle. The landfills are still full and there is not enough space. As the population grow so does the amount of trash. Problems are still current after almost 3 decades. There are still chemical discarding problems. There are problems with discarding almost anything.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Dartanyn Valdivia -

The text still relates to today because there is still more trash than we can recycle and there is still a poisonous chemical problem and there is still a problem because of the trash and garbage in the world

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

Because there is even more liter and trash is pilling up as humans get more civilized. 

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Hadjy Velasquez Rodriguez -

Although the text was written in 1989, this relate to modern times becuase people still litter morethan ever, landfills are still needed, more people equals more trash

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Deleted user -

The text is still relevant to today because landfills are still being filled and there is still problems with discarding chemicals.

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Re: Text written in 1989

by Ike Rodriguez -

It relates to modern times people still litter every they feel like. Landfills are still needed and also more are needed. There is more trash on the earth than ever in the history of earth. We still have the same problems like the ones we had years ago.