Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Test User -
Number of replies: 23

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

The author was successful because it had a dystopian plot.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Axeel Melendez -

The author was definitely successful with the story because she did awesome and did this so good that almost everybody payed close attention and was entertained.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Axeel Melendez -

The author was definitely successful with the story because she did awesome and did this so good that almost everybody payed close attention and was entertained.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Joel Contreras -

I think it was successful because she copied "The Giver"

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

The author was successful because it had a dystopian plot.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Dartanyn Valdivia -

Yes the author was successful in adding the dystopian characteristic traits because the story had a feeling in it that made me feel like something was wrong at the beginning and towards the middle the feeling was correct also the words were used correctly and had a good impact in the feeling of the text 

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Brianna Rodriguez -

HE was successful because he felt trapped in the society and wanted his own freedom 

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Connor Roberts -

I believe the author was successful because she had all the traits needed.


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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

It was successful because it had many dystopian characteristics. 

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

she was sucessful because it was a dystopian plot

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Hadjy Velasquez Rodriguez -

The author was succesful becuase the story had almost everything that could be in a dystopain soceity such people being contolled by antoher person and not being to leave the community which basicly means they are trapped

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Vanessa Silva -

I believe that Yaxiri was successful with incorperating dystopian traits into the story because she included the protagonist feeling trapped and feeling like something was wrong in the community and she also included the antagonist wanting to keep things as it is. The Chief is the person that is in charge.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Julian Olivares -

Successful because it was a good story

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Samantha Romero Guerrero -

The author was successful because it had a dystopian society and plot. 

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

She was succesfull because the protagonist wanted to be free from the cheif

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Jasmine Solano -

The author was successful because she used dystopian characteristics.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Monique Granillo -

she was becasue 

the protaginist feels trapped and there lots of rules

In reply to Monique Granillo

Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

i believe the author was successful in creating dystopian characteristics because Hogan is within a community whos laws are the fear of the area as if one breaks you will be sent elsewhere aka the afterlife.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

I believe the author was successful with incorporating dystopian characteristics because it is very similar to another dystopian story I have read also because only one person was in control of everything.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Jessica Vasquez Espinoza -

The author was successful in incorporating dystopian characteristics because it all lead to the plot.

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Danitza Celaya -

HE was successful because he felt trapped in the society and wanted his own freedom 

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Deleted user -

the person was successful because it was distopian  

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Re: Why do you believe the author was successful or unsuccessful with incorporating dystopian characteristics into the story?

by Paris Beniquez Mercado -

Yes because she created a problem that a person and the community did not appreciate with (they were dystopian characters) and then solved the problem.