Section outline

  • Welcome to the McKinney-Vento LEARN page.  We hope that after going through this training that you will gain a better understanding of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act.  If you have any questions on any of the information presented on this site, please contact, Araceli Mendoza in the Federal Programs Department, (520) 545-2158 or

  • The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act was originally signed into law in 1987.  It has been amended to address the growing and changing needs of this volunerable population.  In 2001, reauthorization focused more on a "child-centered" approcah and required that every school identify a homles liasion.  The Title VII portion of the law was included in the NCLB in 2002.  McKinney-Vento applies to all public and charter schools; it does not apply to private schools.

    The McKinney Vento (MV) Homeless Assistance Act is a federal law that provides support and resources for children whose families are experiencing homelessnes to help ensure that they have an equal opportunity to succeed in school. 

  • Who determines if a student is eligible for McKinney-Vento services?

    Every school disrtrict must designate a Homless Liaison.  The liaison can help ensure that students who are homeless are able to enroll so that they may succeed in school.  The Homeless Liaison can also help connect familiesi with resources if necessary.

    Most importantly, it is the Homeless Liaison who ultimately determines if a student is eligible for McKinney-Vento services.


    McKinnney-Vento eligibility can be determined by contacting, Araceli Mendoza in the Federal Programs Department at (520) 545-2158 or

  • The law states that any child or youth who lacks a "fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence"  or/and unaccompanied youth, may qualify for McKinney-Vento services.

    Fixed: one that is stationary, permnanent, and not subject to change

    Regular: one which is used on a regular (i.e. nightly) basis

    Adequate: one that is sufficient for meeting both the physical and psychological needs typically met in home enviroments.

    This may include students who are:

    • Living in a motel or hotel
    • Living in a shelter (i.e. domestic violence shelter, homeless shelter, temporay group home while in *CPS Custody)
    • Temporarily staying with friends or relatives due to economic hardship and/or loss of home. (Please note: families who choose to live together and share housing do not qualify)
    • Living in places not ordinarly used for sleeping (i.e. car, park, public places, abandon building)
    • "Unaccompanied youth" (youth who are on their own and no in the legal custody of a parent or legal guardian)
    • *Awaiting foster care placement

    *For children who are in the custody of Department of Child Safety (DCS) (also known as CPS) and awaiting foster care placement:

      • a student may be eligibile for MV services for the remainder of the school year from the time they are initially removed from the child's home and placed in foster/kinship care by CPS. (if the child is is placed during the last school quarter of the school  year, eligibility may continue through the new school year, if feasible and in the child's best terest)
      • a student temporarily residing in a group care (group home or shelter) placed by CPS after initial removal from the child's home while awaiting placement in foster care, may be eligible. 

    For children who have been in foster care:

      • Children who are already in foster care are not considered homeless. (G-10, McKinney-Vento Non Regulatory Guidance July 2004)

                         Please contact Araceli Mendoza for further information regarding DCS/CPS Students and students in Foster Care.


    Arizona Deparment of Education, Memo to McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Liaisons, December 19, 2011

    Please Note: McKinney-Vento Eligibility ends at the end of the school year.  

  • Children who qualify for McKinney-Vento services are guaranteed certain rights.

    1. To remain enrolled at their "school of origin" when feasible, or attend the school assigned to the attendance area where they are currently living.
    2. To receive transportation to/from school of origin.
    3. Immediate enrollment in school, even if unable to produce all necessary registration documents
    4. Automatic enrollment in FREE lunch
    5. Access to resources and services
    6. Challenge decision made by the school districts

    School of Origin = The school the child last attended during his or her last permanent residence or the school in which the child was last enrolled.

    Please contact Araceli Mendoza in the Federal Programs Department, if you suspect a student in your school may qualify under the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act (even if the student does not require any of the services listed above). You may also email or fax an MV Referral to 545-2177/

  • School of origin includes:

    1. the school the child attended during his or her last permanent residence or 
    2. the school in which the child was last enrolled

    Can a MV student enroll in any school they want?

    No.  Students who qualify as MV only have 2 options to select from:

    1. School of origin
    2. School of residence (the school assigned to their attendance area)

    Any student may request to enroll in any school of their choice under Open Enrollment, however, the student is not guaranteed enrollment and in most cases the family will have to provide their own school transportation. McKinney-Vento will not provide school transportation for open-enrollment.

  • Under the McKinney-Vento law, school district must provide school transportation for students who wish to remain in their school of origin, even if the student has moved out of the school district, as long as it is feasible and in the best interest of the student.

    McKinney-Vento school transportation for SUSD is coordinated through, Araceli Mendoza, in the Federal Programs Department. (520) 545-2158 or

  • McKinney-Vento students and families have the right to dispute any decision made by the school district.  In the event of a disagreement, the district has a Dispute Resolution Process in place.  The student may enroll in school until the dispute is resolved.  The McKinney-Veno Coordinator can guide you through the process.

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