Section outline

    • What do I need to do in order to transition to the new PowerTeacher Pro gradebook?

    Nothing.  The transition has already been made behind the scenes for you.  All you need to do is launch your new gradebook from your PowerTeacher dashboard to get started.

    • Why is my PowerTeacher Pro link missing on my dashboard homepage?

    It's possible that the new version of the gradebook has not yet been activated for your particular course and section.  This can be corrected by sending a ticket to and having the new gradebook activated. 

    • Can I use the PowerTeacher Mobile app with PowerTeacher Pro?

    No. The PowerTeacher Mobile app can only be used in conjunction with PowerTeacher Gradebook. PowerTeacher Pro is designed to work with all mobile devices supporting a screen resolution of at least 1024x768. Smaller resolutions are supported but may not provide the optimal user experience.

    • Can I copy my class assignments from one term to the next?

    Yes.  To copy and existing assignment, click on the Duplicate button within the edit assignment box and then select the correct term for the newly created assignment.  Once the assignment has been duplicated, you can quickly replicate it to multiple sections by using the Select Classes menu.

    • What if I would like to copy my assignments from last school year to my current gradebook?

    Unfortunately, PowerTeacher Pro does not currently support migrating assignments between years.  If you would like to copy your assignments from 2015-16 to the current school year, send a ticket in to making sure to indicate specifically which of your current sections/periods you would like to transfer assignments from.   You will be notified as soon as your gradebook sections have been reactived.  Once you have received this notification, you can follow the directions linked here to migrate your assignments to the current yearPlease remember that you will need to migrate your assignments BEFORE the first progress period.  On Friday, August 26th all gradebook sections will be converted back to the new PowerTeacher Pro in advance of the first progress report.

    • Why can't I see scroll bars in PowerTeacher Pro when I'm on a Mac?

    This is a feature of the operating system that is easily adjusted. Change the system preferences on your Mac to always display scrollbars. Go to  Apple Menu > System Preferences > General, and then set the Show scroll bars setting toAlways

    • Can I create my own teacher defined score codes, or custom grade scales?

    No, the PowerTeacher Pro gradebook only allows new grade codes and grade scales to be set at the administrative level.  If you feel that your particular course or section requires a new code, please submit your request through your Instructional Team Lead or Instructional Site Coach.  

    • Can I create my own custom student groups with the new PowerTeacher Pro gradebook?

    No, all student group sections are linked directly to rosters created in PowerSchool.  If you require a custom student group for tracking purposes, you will need to submit your request through your Instructional Team Lead or Instructional Site Coach.  Once they have the request, they can submit this information to to have the custom student group created.

    • I'm a Specialist Teacher (grades K-5).  Why can't I see the names of my student's core subject teachers on my gradebook dashboard?

    Core subject teachers are displayed under the section name in PowerSchool.  To enable, click on Settings and under Display and Sorting change your display from Period/Day to Section Number.  If you do not see teacher names listed within your section numbers, check with your school clerk or front office registrar to make sure that the section names are listed correctly in PowerSchool.

    • Whenever the co-teacher in my section makes a change to an assignment, all of my student grades for that assignment disappear.  Should this be happening?

    When a co-teacher with editing rights in the gradebook modifies or changes and existing assignment, the gradebook treats this as a NEW assignment entry and will purge any existing entries (since grades can not be assigned to two different teachers within the grade table).  For this reason, we recommend that sites avoid rostering co-teachers with editing rights whenever possible.  If you must have co-teachers rostered to the same section, please make sure that ONLY the teacher of record changes or alters the title, due date, category...etc. of the assignment.  FYI:  This does not apply to entering SCORES for student assignments, only altering the assignment information itself.

    Click this link to access the PowerSchool Product Enhancement Status Page to learn what features and functions are coming soon.